...(Hilbert Space)内,存在一个不可数的点集,它的每个不可数子集合不能同胚(Homeomorphic)于欧几里得空间(Euclidean Space)的一部分。
non euclidean space 非欧几里得空间
locally euclidean space 局部欧几里得空间
tangent Euclidean space 切欧几里得空间 ; 切欧基里得空间
complex Euclidean space 复欧几里得空间
n dimensional euclidean space 维欧几里得空间
pseudo-Euclidean space 伪欧几里得空间 ; 伪欧空间 ; 伪欧氏空间
euklidischer Vektorraum euclidean space 欧几里得空间
three-dimensional Euclidean space 三维欧几里得空间
Imbedding in Euclidean Space 欧氏空间的嵌入
Mathematically it corresponds to a linear transformation for a set of points in the Euclidean space. For K value learning, this paper made a better selection using Genetic Algorithm primarily.
参考来源 - KFor the compact submanifolds of the Euclidean space, we shall prove the non-existence of stable currents for certain classes of them.
参考来源 - 关于常曲率空间形式中子流形的一些结果·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
For example, Euclidean space is invariant under rotations and translations.
In the third chapter, we discuss the annealing process on the Euclidean space.
We prefer the form (5.16.7) since it is in conformity with the definition of scalar product in a complex Euclidean space.